Thursday, July 28, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks found deficiency-free at end of 4-day surprise State inspection. Are they good or what?!
Dropped in on LutheranHomeAlbemarle last night&LutheranFamilyServices Charlotte office today. Dedicated people doing important work.
At BB&T regional mtg.Got to sit with bank Prez Kelly King.Now he's speaking. Inspiring!Great partner w LSA.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Now at NC Health Care Facilities Assoc. mtg. Regulatory, Legislative, and Reimbursement, oh my!
LutheranHomeAlbemarle visit. Good to see residents&staff. Saw latest renovations in progress & coming soon. Now off to state health care mtg

Sunday, July 24, 2011

LSA's Trinity Grove dedication went great:Bishop Bolick,Gov.Perdue,7 pastors,standing room only. J Frye,his & LSA staff pulled off flawless.
Governor's advance team already at Trinity Grove to prep for Dedication/Grand Opening. Going to be a big day for LSA in eastern NC.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

You are 1st to know.Patrick Foley named LSA Chief Operating Officer. Announcement coming at noon. In newspaper soon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Winston concrete!!!!

Lutheran Home - Winston replacement in full swing. Summit Construction poured over 400 yards of concrete, 27 truck loads. They poured all night on 7-19, bacause it's too hot during the day. Exciting to see such progress!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good day in Hickory: PACE Board, and visited both great Lutheran Homes. Good to see old friends and hold new friend, 9 mo. old Kylie.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I had the opportunity to spend the night as a guest at our Crescent View retirement center on July 10, then work as a certified nursing assistant on June 11. Here is the letter I just sent CV Executive Director Sharon Conoley.

I have had the warm and fuzzies over Crescent View all day! You all are just the best! Eric and Dining Services and everyone associated with the model apartment showed that you all have hospitality down pat! The snack basket was the perfect touch! So, as guests Cheryl and I give you 5 stars!

Then I went to work as a CNA. Except for having my salary reduced by John and getting written up for not wearing slip resistant shoes, it was a great day. Working as a CNA always makes me humble and shows me what kind of people we have who are fulfilling the mission of LSA. Emily and Mary took good care of me, with help from dining, housekeeping, maintenance, marketing, activities, and on and on. CV has a great staff and is a great place to work.

Working as a CNA always reinforces the mission of LSA to express God's love in Christ to our residents. It was especially nice to personally and directly serve the CV residents. They are wonderful and invaluable, and we had a lot of fun.

Thanks for letting me work up there. You and your team are the best! Please pass on my thanks to the entire staff in whatever way best, and please share my thanks with the CV residents. They are why we exist!

See you soon.


PS I will never admit how much my feet hurt and how stiff my back and knees were this morning!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Working as a CNA at Crescent View today. Hard work and my feet hurt, but I'd never tell them.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th! Celebrating our country&freedom! We are free to love one another-the foundation for LSA&LFS.Freedom to love and serve. Celebrate!