Tuesday, August 30, 2011

After random search, boarding plane to Baltimore for Lutheran Services in America board mtg. Learn and work.
5 AM at Y got report that Michael Handy did great job yesterday presenting LFS to Women of St. John's Lutheran, Salisbury.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today: Groundbreaking for Trinity Ridge to replace old LutheranHomeHickoryWest.Big,excited,supportive crowd. LSA on the move!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

LSA's TrinityGrove,Wilmington hunkered down with 35 residents,extra staff and their families.Thank goodness storm passed without damage.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Saw friend at Elms yesterday.Mom just moved in.Picked Elms over all in Forsyth due to Frandee's personal touch,quality staff,great bldg!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just landed in Charlotte. Ready to be home.
VCPI keynoter Dr. Keith Krein, CMO/SVP of nationwide Kindred Healthcare on transforming healthcare. Powerful!
Sunrise on Lake Mich. Exercise, then work, home late tonight!
Sunrise on Lake Mich. Exercise, then work, home late tonight!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

LSA tech partner VCPI has done it again with mtg: ACOs, disaster planning, incident reporting, tech solutions to help us care for people.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Feeling ignorant,again! FInished book re William Wilberforce-never heard of him or have forgotten. Google him! We should all know about him.
Atlanta heading to Milwaukee for tech mtg. VCPI always teaches me what's new and cutting edge in tech & profession.
New Winston Hospice CEO toured LutheranHomeWinston on Friday.Told me today how impressed he was with the professionalism&passion of staff!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

On way to Lutheran African Descent Strategy Team in G'boro. Dedicated to a diverse, healthy church.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lutherans Over Orlando!

I am proud to be a Lutheran, but never more so than today. Sixteen North Carolinians served as voting members to the national Lutheran Churchwide Assembly in Orlando, Florida on Aug. 14-19, 2011. I was privileged to be elected to go, and have rarely worked as hard.

North Carolina Bishop Leonard Bolick was recognized for initiating dialogue with the AME Zion Church. That effort led to AME Zion Sr. Bishop George Walker addressing the Assembly on Thursday. The AME Zion and ELCA churches pledged to further collaboration.

The Assembly conducts the legislative business of the church, which is not always fun but very important. The Assembly hears reports from across the church. I learned things I never knew or had forgotten about our church. Lutheran Disaster Response continues to serve in Haiti, where hundreds of thousands are still homeless from the earthquake. LDR is in Joplin, Missouri helping clean up from the tornadoes. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is resettling Iraqi refugees who supported the U.S. Lutheran Services in America (LSA and LFS are strong members) provides direct services to one in fifty Americans! How’s that for serving!

Lutherans in the United States adopted a plan to raise $15 million to fight hunger in the United States and around the world, and $18 million to fight malaria!

The Assembly debated and passed a social statement on genetics, which provides a theological framework for people to think about cloning, gene therapy, and genetically modified crops. The Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting the Dream Act with just a handful of dissenting votes. The church is living in the real world!

These are just a few gems from a solid week. Each day was centered around a wonderful worship service. Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson opened the first worship service with a sermon asking if we were ready to be moved by the Holy Spirit. And what other group do you know that prays before each important vote, and stands and sings a hymn after that vote is taken?

The theme for the Assembly was Freed in Christ to Serve. You are free to go to http://www.elca.org/ and click on the Churchwide Assembly button to learn more about “The Lutherans.”

Friday, August 19, 2011

On ground in Char after week at nat'l Lutheran Assembly. 4.2 million Lutherans serving through churches, world relief,social ministry,...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

AMEZion Sr.Bishop George Walker just spoke at nat'l Lutheran Assembly. AMEZ&Lutheran collaborating,&in part due to collaborative work in NC!
Letter from CrescentView family.CV best place for person this side of heaven: nursing staff,maintenance,food,everyone.CV-The LSA Way!
Now this is a worship service! Over 1000 worship at nat'l Lutheran assembly!Fed daily, spiritually and physically.
Now this is a worship service! Over 1000 worship at nat'l Lutheran assembly!Fed daily, spiritually and physically.
Early AM in Orlando: at LutheranImmigration/RefugeeServices breakfast mtg. Champions and advocates for refugees.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

From Lutheran Assembly: LutheranServicesIn America,RefugeeServices,andWorldRelief just highlighted! Lutheran church serves around US&world!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nat'l Lutheran Assembly: PM spent exploring Freedom to Serve thru US and world missions:China,Japan,Africa,here in US!Phillie choir singing!
Letter from family of Trinity Oaks family: loving care, respect of staff. Staff were hands of Christ to Trinity Oaks residents.Go team!
Rowan County Environmental Health inspection at AbundantLivingAdultDayCare. Not one deficiency! Could eat off floor thanks to all staff!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nat'l Bishop Mark Hanson preached on one of my favorite scriptures,the Magnificat.Google if unfamiliar.Are we open to Holy Spirit like Mary?

A thought from Orlando

I heard a speaker a couple weeks ago tell a variation of the old starfish story. You know, the young boy throwing stranded starfish back in the ocean. He told the man who said what difference can one boy make. The boy says it matters to that one he saved.

In the latest version, the boy has enlisted a bunch of his friends. So he is making a bigger difference to lots of starfish through a group effort.

That's the way I feel about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 4.5 million Lutherans have walked together onto the beach that is our society. Together we are making a difference in the lives of starfish: elders, foster children, refugees, people with developmental disabilities, and on and one. "Together we can" is a theme for Lutheran Services in America. Together we can!

Lutheran Services for the Aging and Lutheran Family Services staff are on that beach with many others being Christ's hands in the world.

At national Lutheran Assembly. In hearing on proposed church statement on genetics.Interesting.My assigned roomie arrived at 3 AM.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Airport to Orlando for national Lutheran Assembly: business of the church,worship,fellowship.All week,home Fri. night.Already homesick.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From LutheranHomeHickoryWest family: Staff are caring,amazing people.Treated Mom like their mom. Love, kindness, and support! The LSA Way!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LSA staffer Karen Maddry felt the need to respond to Congress about the impending cuts to Medicare that will harm our elders. At the end of her letter, she writes eloquently:

We have absorbed as much as we can. Enough is enough.

You see the facts above, but sometimes I wonder, do you all realize there are faces behind these cuts?

Faces that deserve the best care we can give them. Faces that have worked hard their whole lives and paid into the system so that when their turns came, that care and assistance would be there for them.

Faces that give that care to others because it means something to them to provide for their elders. Faces that do the best they can each and every day because the people entrusted to their care matter. Faces that want to work and are, therefore, taking their turn paying into the system.

You need to think and look elsewhere for cuts - because at some point in all our lives, we may very well be one of these faces, and wouldn't it be a shame if quality long-term care is only a distant memory by then.

Is anyone listening???

Well said, Karen!

I just sent this letter to NC Senators Burr and Hagan and Rep. Watt. Please add your voice! Our seniors are being wronged. Who is there to speak for them?

The letter:

Lutheran Services for the Aging serves over 1,200 North Carolinians every day, employs over 1,200 more North Carolinians, and touches the lives of thousands more. As a provider of high quality long-term services and supports and a member of LeadingAge, I am most concerned about cuts to our field that may result from efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit.
My field already has taken billions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid
Under the Affordable Care Act, Medicare payments to nursing homes will be cut by over $14 billion over the next ten years. The ACA also contains numerous provisions to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse and to make nursing home operations more transparent.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has just handed down a payment rule for fiscal 2012 that cuts Medicare payment rates to skilled nursing facilities by 11.1% across-the-board. The total reduction in payments to nursing homes may total as much as 20% because the payment rule also corrects billing for therapy services.
Many states have made severe cutbacks in their Medicaid payments to nursing homes over the last two years. Medicaid is the single largest source of operating revenue for nursing homes; we cannot absorb more reductions at the federal level.
The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS) was enacted to reduce reliance on Medicaid as a source of financing for long-term care. This program actually will help to reduce the budget deficit according to the Congressional Budget Office. Its implementation needs to continue moving forward.
I understand that you and your colleagues must find ways to reduce the federal budget deficit. However, I must respectfully ask you, on behalf of the people who live and work in my organization, not to direct any more cutbacks to the long-term services and supports sector.
We have absorbed as much as we can. Enough is enough.

Ted Goins
(704) 754-8220
Lutheran Services for the Aging, Inc.

Friday, August 5, 2011

LFS's Jason Payne presented Refugee Services 101 at big NC community college mtg.He's already been asked to repeat. Way to represent,Jason!
Barbara Garwood presented AbundantLivingAdultDayServices to United Way with a pecha kucha. Look it up! Proud.