Trying to be proactive and transparent. Lutheran Services Carolinas has, since this letter, had two teammates test positive for Covid. They are not working, being treated at home, and further testing shows that no residents/clients have been infected. Thank you all for your prayers!
April 15, 2020
Dear LSC Family,
Lutheran Services Carolinas nursing homes, assisted and independent living communities, group homes, and other health and human services are still free of COVID-19 as of this moment. We all are prepared for that to change, since so many people have it and it is so easily spread, especially in congregate housing.
So far, LSC has had COVID-19-type symptoms or suspicions in all of our senior services communities, but no positive tests. Last week at Clemmons and Salisbury, we tested a total of 30 residents and teammates. All tests were negative, thank God!
LSC’s over 2,000 teammates are working hard and selflessly to keep our residents and clients safe. God bless and protect each and every one of you!
I also want to lift up the unsung, invisible infrastructure that is supporting our resident/clients and front-line heroes! Our administrative teams are serving on state-level committees, participating in daily conference calls, and then implementing changes. Daily changes are difficult to manage, but the LSC family is being forgiving and understanding.
Behind our administrative team is a strong wall of government and professional associations who are gathering all the disparate information and feeding it to us. The Centers for Disease Control and our NC Department of Health and Human Services have been true public servants.
We could not do this work without our professional associations. American Health Care Association, North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association, LeadingAge, LeadingAgeNC, Benchmarks, and Palmetto Association for Children and Families have all worked hard to get us providers the information we need to do our work.
Lastly, thank you all again for your prayers and support as we face the greatest threat to our residents and clients in modern history. And please remember, social distance and stay safe!
Yours in Christ,
Ted W. Goins, Jr.
President and CEO