3-18-10, I drove to Lutheran Home - Hickory to be there at 10:00 PM. That gave me time to visit around before 11:00 PM shift change. The place looks great and residents and staff are welcoming as always.
The new Bistro is almost complete. It is breathtaking! There is probably nothing like it in a nursing facility in NC! The Bistro will be a comfortable place for residents, families, and staff. Great work, Lutheran Home - Hickory!
Then I worked third shift as a nursing assistant. I worked 4 hours in skilled nursing with CNA Glenda Johnson, then 4 hours on the Alzheimer's unit with Elisa Bolick. Glenda and Elisa are among the very best I have ever seen: busy all night, by the book, gentle, and loving, and tolerant of me!
Every time I do this, I am humbled by the love and hard work that staff throughout LSA exhibit every day and every night--all night. And I am humbled to serve every one of our 1200 employees!
After my shift was over, I had intended to drive straight to Salisbury to my bed. But I had been booked in to help with the kickoff of our statewide capital campaign at Lutheran Home - Hickory at 1:30 and 3:30 PM. So I walked down on assisted living and they sent me to an empty room for a few hours of sleep. Except for being awaken by a very surprised housekeeper, I got a couple hours sleep.
The two meetings was among the best I've ever seen. LHH has these regular Town Hall meetings. They start with prayer by a staff, then two-way sharing of info. We explained the statewide $5 million capital campaign, but made it a very soft sell as the economy is tough and many can't afford to give. But get this, 114 staff made pledge. Some were for one dollar a pay period, some more. Only 14 staffers did not feel they could participate. It makes my hair stand up to write about it. Again, I am humbled by the commitment of LSA staff to our mission.
Lutheran Home - Hickory continues to lead LSA, and long term care in our state and our nation!
When I dragged in to Salisbury Friday night around 6 pm, I was tired, but smiling!
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