Saturday, December 31, 2011

Spoke to 2 Wilmington people. Thrilled with all great care/positives coming out of Trinity Grove. Love, care, professional,... Go Team!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

While Santa delivers, over 800 LSA&LFS staff are delivering care and services to seniors and children. Bless you all for your servanthood!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

LFS leaders in Salisbury office today for planning, and program evaluation and outcomes. Passion for excellence!
Received wonderful note about the loving and caring staff at Lutheran Home - Hickory West! Providing great care!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lutheran Home Hickory West Christmas party. Fellowship, fun, and food!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

In Hickory with LSA family as we support RN Janet Coffey and family.Daughter Lauren,Lenoir-Rhyne student, died in wreck.Prayers,please.
Cheryl & I cooked for 41 at Rowan Helping Ministries at 5 am. Happy to serve and represent St. John's Lutheran. Thankful for what we have!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dropped in at Lippard Lodge, LutheranFamilyServices group home. Met all that live&work there. Important ministry.
Very pleasant visit at The Elms.Everyone ready for Christmas.Parties today and tonight.Residents and staff enjoy the family they've created.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Made it to LutheranHomeAlbemarle to say goodbye to Christmas partiers and visit residents&2nd shift. Merry Christmas, LHA family!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More LHTO bus news. Crescent View's JohnHefner & LHH's DavidKing made rescue happen so all still enjoyed Biltmore Christmas!
LSA TEAMWORK!LutheranHomeTrinityOaks BiltmoreEstate outing jeopardized by bus trouble. CrescentView&LuthHomeHickory&Biltmore made it happen!

Friday, December 9, 2011

ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson joined us in Baltimore to say goodbye to Lutheran Services in America CEO Jill Schumann. I had a chance to participate. Below is scripture and reflections. Reflections centered on LSAmerica and Jill's contributions. Lutheran social ministry is strong!
Luke 4:16-21
16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”[a]
20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

I decided to use my few minutes to talk about this piece of string.

In 1520, Martin Luther wrote: “and each one should become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christs to one another and Christ may be the same in all…”

That scripture reading and quote from Luther sound familiar to me. Jesus revealed himself and his purpose. Isaiah used the examples of proclaiming to the poor, freedom for prisoners, freeing the oppressed. He could have added home for developmentally disabled children, safety for refugees, care for frail elders, community for retirees, love for foster children, food for the hungry.

Luke and Luther look familiar because they reveal the Christ we see every day in 309 social ministry organizations across the United States. They gave the marching orders to Lutheran social ministry.

Every day Lutheran social ministry proclaims, “the spirit of the Lord is on me.” Every day we proclaim the hope and grace of the year of the Lord’s favor.

Lutheran Services in America was created to connect all of us dots. As LSA, Joanne Negsted led us as our first president and gave us a more collective voice, and gave me competition on the treadmill in many hotel gyms. When she retired, many questioned whether LSA would survive without its strong leader.

God raised up another great leader in Jill Schumann, who has led us ten years further down the road.

Under Jill’s leadership we created ends policies to guide our work. We are called to love and serve our neighbors through our ends with key words like advocacy, capacity, identity, possibility, leading. Leading stands out today. The entire policy is: “LSA and its members, in partnership with others, is leading a movement of hope and grace toward a society that values generosity, inclusion, justice, and mutual care. “ Again, we proclaim the hope and grace of the year of the Lord’s favor.

I will forever keep two visions of Jill in my head.

The night before a presentation for us in NC, Jill stayed with Cheryl and I in Salisbury. I told Jill she could have an office at work for a few hours the next morning or she could use our wifi at the apartment. When I got home from the Y at 6 AM, Jill was already ready and working away at our kitchen counter. Jill’s work ethic and drive for excellence have been a poorly kept secret to her success and an example for all of us.

My other vision is of Jill just back in October standing at the podium in the White House auditorium addressing 160 Lutheran social ministry leaders at our briefing day at the White House. That opportunity is only one example of how high our banner has been raised in large part because of the Jill’s ministry. Is it any wonder Jill has been named to the Nonprofit Times Top 50 Power and Influence list for 9 consecutive years.

String binds things together. We are bound to Christ, bound to the scriptures, bound through Luther’s explanation that we be Christ to each other, and through Lutheran Services in America. Jill, thank you for binding us closer through your ministry. Blessings!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nat'l Lutheran Bishop Hanson assisted in celebration of Lutheran ServicesInAmerica Prez Jill Schumann who is leaving us. We'll miss u!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just landed in Baltimore for Lutheran Services in America.
Christmas lunch with 17 senior LSA staff. Such passion, talent, leadership in one room. I am in awe!
LFS/LSA senior leaders arriving from all over NC/SC for continuing education, support, and good Christmas lunch!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crescent View anniversary:family,friends, & 3 mayors. Great food and fellowship.

Friday, December 2, 2011

425 staff/guests/children from 5 local LSA orgs at Lutheran Home for Christmas party: food,dancing,kids games. Family having fun together!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

LutheranFamilyServices leaders meeting at TrinityOaks. Planning the future and improving operations. Such passionate, committed leaders!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LFS staffer sent wonderful note thanking LSA Office for support/quick action. People behind the scenes making things happen!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Listening to NC Poet Laureate Kathy Smith Bowers at Catawba College.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Afternoon at new Trinity Glen site for sneak preview with staff/friends. Great afternoon!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Evaluations-last wk's LSA education or 60 NC/SC nurses re heart failure, preventing hospitalization.High marks, not one negative comment!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beautiful letter re LutheranHomeHickory family.Many comments about loving care. Named many staff in every dept. Takes every shift/dept!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time to play hard. Just got to Texas for week with grandchildren! Have a good week!

Friday, November 11, 2011

With 60 NC &SC LSA nurses at educational module on best practices in nursing. Excellence in care through education!
Veterans Day across LSA today! Join in and thank a Veteran today for their sacrifice and for all we have individually and as a country!
LutheranHomeTrinityOaks Harvest Moon Ball: residents in ballgowns/tux,40 Catawba College students, swing band, pics, food,... Living large!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

LSA's Elms at Tanglewood just received 4-Star certification (the highest rank) from NC! Congrats to entire Elms family!

Monday, November 7, 2011

LutheranServicesInAmerica prez Jill Schumann leading session for 1st LutheranServicesAging/LutheranFamilyServices Boards! Together!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

LSA's Salisbury team at La Fiesta celebration. Diversity, community, friends!

Friday, November 4, 2011

In Raleigh for Medical Care Advisory Committee. Planning future, addressing budget shortfall, learning about eligibility.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Intriguing talk by Capt. James Loblein at Chamber of Commerce annual meeting. Leadership and future.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

LutheranHomeHickoryWest had regular but unannounced,surprise state inspection last week. 5 minor items after 4 inspectors/4days! LHHW rocks!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Important grunt work today: 401k Committee. Monitoring. LSA staff has $3.2 million invested toward our retirements!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

6 AM on road to celebrate Reformation Sunday and LSA w Our Redeemer, Greenville,NC
LAS ministries participated in Latino festival Sat. LSA is community resource providing diverse services to a diverse community.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Children&Adults Program Deputy Director Jennifer Ryan speaking on CHIP, Medicaid services for children and adults.
Huge! Bill Daley, Chief of Staff for President Obama, has come in to speak and listen to us Lutheran social ministry reps.
More wow. Jack Lew, Director of Office of Mgmt and Budget. Political climate, compromise w Congress, spending limits...
Wow! Sec. Of US Dept of Agriculture Tom Vilsack here to speak. Job creation, policy, development, feeding America, importance of nonprofits.
Just passed through White House security for day of briefings. Who woulda thought! Big day!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big night. Lutheran social ministry reception in US Senate caucus room. Exec Director Of White House Faith Based office guest speaker.
LSA Board Chair Kaye Leonard & I heading for big adventure in DC. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just off phone with Elms family member telling me how lucky I am to have staff at Elms. I agree! Family grateful for loving care! Amen!
Beautiful letter from LutheranHomeHickoryWest. Staff is professional, caring, respectful, providing quality care! LHHW has it going on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

At LutheranHomeHickory with friends for Shepherd Society dinner, fellowship, and entertainment.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Home late pm from DC then Chicago for aging&social ministry mtgs on future. Long wk, worth it to plan future.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

After 13 hour and 3 airports, made it to Chicago. 30 minutes to hotel, 35 min. to sleep. But blessed: safe, healthy,family,job...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My luck runneth out. Flight from DC to next mtg cancelled. Now on 7 pm to Charlotte,Chicago about midnight-maybe! Flying not fun.
LutheranHomeTrinityOaks residents,staff, friends at Kure Beach for couple days. What fun! LHTO rocks! See photo on my blog and LSA Facebook.

Let's go to the beach!

Lutheran Home at Trinity Oaks residents, staff, volunteers, and Administrator Bill Johnson are at Kure Beach for a couple days.! This is not your grandparent's nursing home. LHTO is about living and living well! Have a ball. Glad the weather is improved!
Holocaust survivor and Nobel winner Elie Wiesel speaking at nat'l aging mtg: hope, diversity, human rights for all.In presence of greatness.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Maya Angelou speaking to our nat'l aging mtg: wisdom, passion, humor, teaching, .... More inspiration!
MartinLutherKingJr Memorial at 5:30 AM. Exercise and inspiration with friend Danny Sanford at DC aging conference.
MartinLutherKingJr Memorial at 5:30 AM. Exercise and inspiration with friend Danny Sanford at DC aging conference.

Monday, October 17, 2011

LFS COO Myra Griffie was in good seat to see President Obama in Wilkes County today! See LFS and LSA facebook for picture.
Tech for aging session. Example: It's Never Too Late computer system. But Cissy McCoy brought it to LSA yrs ago. Cissy and LSA leading!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Did u know MartinLutherKingJr spoke at national Lutheran youth in 1961. Lutherans have long history in diversity and justice.
Sunday Part 2: to airport to DC for national aging services mtg. Education and advocacy.
Heading to 1st Lutheran, G'boro to share the partnership and great work of the Lutheran church in NC and America.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Visited NC Lutheran Men Board, then good visit with friends at LutheranHomeTrinityOaks. Large group for manicures-no red polish for me.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Late visit at LutheranHomeHickoryWest. Nice to meet be able to see old friends and new. LHHW feels good, looks good!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello to LSA/LFS Family from 8:30&11 AM worship at Kimball Lutheran,  Kannapolis. Great visit with great friends.
Hello to LSA/LFS Family from 8:30&11 AM worship at Kimball Lutheran, Kannapolis. Great visit with great friends.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dropped in to visit LutheranFamilyServices Raleigh office and LFS GreenLevel. Great services and people!
Sunrise on I40,Burlington. To Raleigh for state Medicaid mtg.
Donor/volunteer event last pm. Largest attendance. LutheranHomeTrinityOaks-great food, world class hospitality. Trinity Oaks Ringers music.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kernersville breakfast mtg. Dropped in on Elms-happy place. Next stop Lutheran Homes in Hickory.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Staff from across LSA in Salisbury today for education with attorney and friend Ken Burgess, and fellowship. Both are important to mission.

Monday, October 3, 2011

LSA Office staff retreat: fellowship, food, corn maze for team building. Relate/communicate to better serve everyone we touch.

Friday, September 30, 2011

@ BusinessAdvisoryBoard,CatawbaCollege. President Oxendine speaking on heritage,interns,future.
More good news.Elms had surprise state inspection this wk.Great results!Congrats to every Elms staffer on all shifts! You model the LSA way!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Author John Hart @ TrinityOaks for SummerReadingChallenge with 350 of his closest friends.biggest crowd ever at TO! Big night for Salisbury.
LutheranHomeHickory-4 day surprise state inspection-6 inspectors. No deficiencies! Congrats to every staff member, every shift. LHH rocks!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back in Charlotte after LutheranServicesInAmerica,&granddau! Afternoon at LFS Char. office. Good to see LFS in action!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

At LutheranServicesInAmerica in SanAntonio: healthy leaders&healthy orgs, boomer demographics, prayer.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

in SanAntonio for LutheranServicesInAmerica, but now on evening conference call with NC Medicaid on state budget shortfall.Busy times.
LutheranHomeHickoryWest's Annette Jenkins just named one of Fab 50-top 50 direct care workers in NC! Congrats, Annette!The LSA Way!
Pastor DavidHuddle sent email praising LSA work of EmilyPhillips&KristenKitchen. I agree! Both are leading thru KeepingThePromise campaign.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day w LFS staff/visits in Columbia.Hard at work fulfilling mission.Toured refugee Welcome House@St.AndrewsLuth.Met w 2 pastors.Good day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks led LSA-wide team in Alzheimer's Walk this AM. Thanks to BeckyNorman and team for raising funds & awareness!
Google Salisbury Post for news on AMEZion/Lutheran worship at St. John's Lutheran last night. Great night for God, diversity, community!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wonderful worship 2night at St.Johns Lutheran,Salisbury. Nat'l AMEZion&Lutheran leaders together! Great sermon by Bishop Walker.
LutheranHomeAlbemarle CNA Beth Lefler selected one of Fab 50-top 50 CNAs in NC and gave birth to baby boy on 9-16!Big week! Congrats,Beth!
if in Salisbury 2day, be at St. John's Lutheran at 6:00pm-historic worship with nat'l Lutheran Bishop Hanson and AME Zion Sr. Bishop Walker.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

National Care Not Cuts campaign: Please consider responding to keep services for our elders.
Baltimore:Lutheran-sponsored foster family guests at Pres.Obama's speech.Highlighting hard working family making ends meet/doing good work!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Email from LutheranHomeTrinityOaks family. Grateful for love and care from staff. LHTO staff have created a Christ-centered community.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Person shared with me today that LutheranHomeTrinityOaks Administrator Bill Johnson is up and down the halls at all hours/weekends!Leading!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day! About 750 LSA&LFS staff will serve elders and children today while the rest of us take a day off. Thanks to all who serve.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just landed from LutheranServicesInAmerica in Baltimore. Productive 2 days!
Salisbury Post article in AbundantLiving's Art for the Soul program.Great program! The people we serve and the people who serve are special!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

After random search, boarding plane to Baltimore for Lutheran Services in America board mtg. Learn and work.
5 AM at Y got report that Michael Handy did great job yesterday presenting LFS to Women of St. John's Lutheran, Salisbury.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today: Groundbreaking for Trinity Ridge to replace old LutheranHomeHickoryWest.Big,excited,supportive crowd. LSA on the move!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

LSA's TrinityGrove,Wilmington hunkered down with 35 residents,extra staff and their families.Thank goodness storm passed without damage.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Saw friend at Elms yesterday.Mom just moved in.Picked Elms over all in Forsyth due to Frandee's personal touch,quality staff,great bldg!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just landed in Charlotte. Ready to be home.
VCPI keynoter Dr. Keith Krein, CMO/SVP of nationwide Kindred Healthcare on transforming healthcare. Powerful!
Sunrise on Lake Mich. Exercise, then work, home late tonight!
Sunrise on Lake Mich. Exercise, then work, home late tonight!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

LSA tech partner VCPI has done it again with mtg: ACOs, disaster planning, incident reporting, tech solutions to help us care for people.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Feeling ignorant,again! FInished book re William Wilberforce-never heard of him or have forgotten. Google him! We should all know about him.
Atlanta heading to Milwaukee for tech mtg. VCPI always teaches me what's new and cutting edge in tech & profession.
New Winston Hospice CEO toured LutheranHomeWinston on Friday.Told me today how impressed he was with the professionalism&passion of staff!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

On way to Lutheran African Descent Strategy Team in G'boro. Dedicated to a diverse, healthy church.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lutherans Over Orlando!

I am proud to be a Lutheran, but never more so than today. Sixteen North Carolinians served as voting members to the national Lutheran Churchwide Assembly in Orlando, Florida on Aug. 14-19, 2011. I was privileged to be elected to go, and have rarely worked as hard.

North Carolina Bishop Leonard Bolick was recognized for initiating dialogue with the AME Zion Church. That effort led to AME Zion Sr. Bishop George Walker addressing the Assembly on Thursday. The AME Zion and ELCA churches pledged to further collaboration.

The Assembly conducts the legislative business of the church, which is not always fun but very important. The Assembly hears reports from across the church. I learned things I never knew or had forgotten about our church. Lutheran Disaster Response continues to serve in Haiti, where hundreds of thousands are still homeless from the earthquake. LDR is in Joplin, Missouri helping clean up from the tornadoes. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is resettling Iraqi refugees who supported the U.S. Lutheran Services in America (LSA and LFS are strong members) provides direct services to one in fifty Americans! How’s that for serving!

Lutherans in the United States adopted a plan to raise $15 million to fight hunger in the United States and around the world, and $18 million to fight malaria!

The Assembly debated and passed a social statement on genetics, which provides a theological framework for people to think about cloning, gene therapy, and genetically modified crops. The Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting the Dream Act with just a handful of dissenting votes. The church is living in the real world!

These are just a few gems from a solid week. Each day was centered around a wonderful worship service. Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson opened the first worship service with a sermon asking if we were ready to be moved by the Holy Spirit. And what other group do you know that prays before each important vote, and stands and sings a hymn after that vote is taken?

The theme for the Assembly was Freed in Christ to Serve. You are free to go to and click on the Churchwide Assembly button to learn more about “The Lutherans.”

Friday, August 19, 2011

On ground in Char after week at nat'l Lutheran Assembly. 4.2 million Lutherans serving through churches, world relief,social ministry,...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

AMEZion Sr.Bishop George Walker just spoke at nat'l Lutheran Assembly. AMEZ&Lutheran collaborating,&in part due to collaborative work in NC!
Letter from CrescentView family.CV best place for person this side of heaven: nursing staff,maintenance,food,everyone.CV-The LSA Way!
Now this is a worship service! Over 1000 worship at nat'l Lutheran assembly!Fed daily, spiritually and physically.
Now this is a worship service! Over 1000 worship at nat'l Lutheran assembly!Fed daily, spiritually and physically.
Early AM in Orlando: at LutheranImmigration/RefugeeServices breakfast mtg. Champions and advocates for refugees.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

From Lutheran Assembly: LutheranServicesIn America,RefugeeServices,andWorldRelief just highlighted! Lutheran church serves around US&world!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nat'l Lutheran Assembly: PM spent exploring Freedom to Serve thru US and world missions:China,Japan,Africa,here in US!Phillie choir singing!
Letter from family of Trinity Oaks family: loving care, respect of staff. Staff were hands of Christ to Trinity Oaks residents.Go team!
Rowan County Environmental Health inspection at AbundantLivingAdultDayCare. Not one deficiency! Could eat off floor thanks to all staff!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nat'l Bishop Mark Hanson preached on one of my favorite scriptures,the Magnificat.Google if unfamiliar.Are we open to Holy Spirit like Mary?

A thought from Orlando

I heard a speaker a couple weeks ago tell a variation of the old starfish story. You know, the young boy throwing stranded starfish back in the ocean. He told the man who said what difference can one boy make. The boy says it matters to that one he saved.

In the latest version, the boy has enlisted a bunch of his friends. So he is making a bigger difference to lots of starfish through a group effort.

That's the way I feel about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 4.5 million Lutherans have walked together onto the beach that is our society. Together we are making a difference in the lives of starfish: elders, foster children, refugees, people with developmental disabilities, and on and one. "Together we can" is a theme for Lutheran Services in America. Together we can!

Lutheran Services for the Aging and Lutheran Family Services staff are on that beach with many others being Christ's hands in the world.

At national Lutheran Assembly. In hearing on proposed church statement on genetics.Interesting.My assigned roomie arrived at 3 AM.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Airport to Orlando for national Lutheran Assembly: business of the church,worship,fellowship.All week,home Fri. night.Already homesick.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From LutheranHomeHickoryWest family: Staff are caring,amazing people.Treated Mom like their mom. Love, kindness, and support! The LSA Way!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LSA staffer Karen Maddry felt the need to respond to Congress about the impending cuts to Medicare that will harm our elders. At the end of her letter, she writes eloquently:

We have absorbed as much as we can. Enough is enough.

You see the facts above, but sometimes I wonder, do you all realize there are faces behind these cuts?

Faces that deserve the best care we can give them. Faces that have worked hard their whole lives and paid into the system so that when their turns came, that care and assistance would be there for them.

Faces that give that care to others because it means something to them to provide for their elders. Faces that do the best they can each and every day because the people entrusted to their care matter. Faces that want to work and are, therefore, taking their turn paying into the system.

You need to think and look elsewhere for cuts - because at some point in all our lives, we may very well be one of these faces, and wouldn't it be a shame if quality long-term care is only a distant memory by then.

Is anyone listening???

Well said, Karen!

I just sent this letter to NC Senators Burr and Hagan and Rep. Watt. Please add your voice! Our seniors are being wronged. Who is there to speak for them?

The letter:

Lutheran Services for the Aging serves over 1,200 North Carolinians every day, employs over 1,200 more North Carolinians, and touches the lives of thousands more. As a provider of high quality long-term services and supports and a member of LeadingAge, I am most concerned about cuts to our field that may result from efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit.
My field already has taken billions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid
Under the Affordable Care Act, Medicare payments to nursing homes will be cut by over $14 billion over the next ten years. The ACA also contains numerous provisions to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse and to make nursing home operations more transparent.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has just handed down a payment rule for fiscal 2012 that cuts Medicare payment rates to skilled nursing facilities by 11.1% across-the-board. The total reduction in payments to nursing homes may total as much as 20% because the payment rule also corrects billing for therapy services.
Many states have made severe cutbacks in their Medicaid payments to nursing homes over the last two years. Medicaid is the single largest source of operating revenue for nursing homes; we cannot absorb more reductions at the federal level.
The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS) was enacted to reduce reliance on Medicaid as a source of financing for long-term care. This program actually will help to reduce the budget deficit according to the Congressional Budget Office. Its implementation needs to continue moving forward.
I understand that you and your colleagues must find ways to reduce the federal budget deficit. However, I must respectfully ask you, on behalf of the people who live and work in my organization, not to direct any more cutbacks to the long-term services and supports sector.
We have absorbed as much as we can. Enough is enough.

Ted Goins
(704) 754-8220
Lutheran Services for the Aging, Inc.

Friday, August 5, 2011

LFS's Jason Payne presented Refugee Services 101 at big NC community college mtg.He's already been asked to repeat. Way to represent,Jason!
Barbara Garwood presented AbundantLivingAdultDayServices to United Way with a pecha kucha. Look it up! Proud.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks found deficiency-free at end of 4-day surprise State inspection. Are they good or what?!
Dropped in on LutheranHomeAlbemarle last night&LutheranFamilyServices Charlotte office today. Dedicated people doing important work.
At BB&T regional mtg.Got to sit with bank Prez Kelly King.Now he's speaking. Inspiring!Great partner w LSA.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Now at NC Health Care Facilities Assoc. mtg. Regulatory, Legislative, and Reimbursement, oh my!
LutheranHomeAlbemarle visit. Good to see residents&staff. Saw latest renovations in progress & coming soon. Now off to state health care mtg

Sunday, July 24, 2011

LSA's Trinity Grove dedication went great:Bishop Bolick,Gov.Perdue,7 pastors,standing room only. J Frye,his & LSA staff pulled off flawless.
Governor's advance team already at Trinity Grove to prep for Dedication/Grand Opening. Going to be a big day for LSA in eastern NC.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

You are 1st to know.Patrick Foley named LSA Chief Operating Officer. Announcement coming at noon. In newspaper soon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Winston concrete!!!!

Lutheran Home - Winston replacement in full swing. Summit Construction poured over 400 yards of concrete, 27 truck loads. They poured all night on 7-19, bacause it's too hot during the day. Exciting to see such progress!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good day in Hickory: PACE Board, and visited both great Lutheran Homes. Good to see old friends and hold new friend, 9 mo. old Kylie.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I had the opportunity to spend the night as a guest at our Crescent View retirement center on July 10, then work as a certified nursing assistant on June 11. Here is the letter I just sent CV Executive Director Sharon Conoley.

I have had the warm and fuzzies over Crescent View all day! You all are just the best! Eric and Dining Services and everyone associated with the model apartment showed that you all have hospitality down pat! The snack basket was the perfect touch! So, as guests Cheryl and I give you 5 stars!

Then I went to work as a CNA. Except for having my salary reduced by John and getting written up for not wearing slip resistant shoes, it was a great day. Working as a CNA always makes me humble and shows me what kind of people we have who are fulfilling the mission of LSA. Emily and Mary took good care of me, with help from dining, housekeeping, maintenance, marketing, activities, and on and on. CV has a great staff and is a great place to work.

Working as a CNA always reinforces the mission of LSA to express God's love in Christ to our residents. It was especially nice to personally and directly serve the CV residents. They are wonderful and invaluable, and we had a lot of fun.

Thanks for letting me work up there. You and your team are the best! Please pass on my thanks to the entire staff in whatever way best, and please share my thanks with the CV residents. They are why we exist!

See you soon.


PS I will never admit how much my feet hurt and how stiff my back and knees were this morning!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Working as a CNA at Crescent View today. Hard work and my feet hurt, but I'd never tell them.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th! Celebrating our country&freedom! We are free to love one another-the foundation for LSA&LFS.Freedom to love and serve. Celebrate!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trinity Grove Medicare/Medicaid 1st certification surprise survey over.Certified,and admitting residents!Congrats to all on a job well done!

Monday, June 27, 2011

1st Lutheran,Lexington hosted annual cookout at LutheranHomeTrinityOaks this PM. Great food and fellowship with good friends.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WorldRefugeeDay, 6-20-11: join LFS/LSA in remembering thousands seeking safety, and remembering most of us come from refugees/immigrants.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

LibertyLutheran'sJanetPanning-3 days helping LFS analyze refugee programs.Thank God for dedicated staff&LutheranServicesInAmerica friends!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Visited LutheranHomeAlbemarle other night coming from Wilmington. 9:30 pm and all was well!Always enjoy dropping in on my Albemarle friends!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Trinity Grove, Wilmington:  open for business and the census is now 2.
Trinity Grove, Wilmington: open for business and the census is now 2.
Wilmington excitement.Just met awesome staff at TrinityGrove.Awaiting the arrival of the first 2 residents to be admitted.Huge day for all!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

On road again. To Wilmington. See LSA friends, and for admission of 1st people to Trinity Grove! Big day in life of LSA.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Visited both Hickory Lutheran Homes.Both such happy, family, friendly places. And both look neat, clean, well-cared for.Always fun to visit.
Lutheran Assembly ended with Lutheran/native American worship led by Living Water Lutheran Church, Cherokee. Meaningful,inspirational!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Heard at Lutheran assembly: every LSA employee seems determined to out-nice the others. What a great compliment to all staff!
At statewide Lutheran assembly.Great friends sharing faith and work of the church.Great opportunity for LSA/LFS to share our story.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

LSA&LFS staff at
Rowan Habitat build. Sponsored by Thrivent&Lutherans.House for refugee family settled by LFS! Team!Serving together!
LSA got final approval early this AM to open for business at Trinity Glen, new nursing home in Wilmington.
28 yr dream comes true!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day at Lutheran Home - Albemarle

Mr. Warren Sorenson, husband of Lutheran Home - Albemarle resident Evelyn Sorenson, came to visit her today dressed in his military uniform. Mr. Sorenson is one of those heroes we need to remember every day.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Crescent View had blow-out Memorial Day bash: hamburgers, hotdogs, and grilled salmon. And a big crowd!

Memorial Day and the LSA Way!

Part of the LSA Way is remembering. Today is Memorial Day, the day the USA set aside to honor all members of our military forces who have died in service to our country. So today, we remember all of the men and women who have given their lives so we can enjoy the lives we live today. From the Revolution on, men and women have risen to the occasion and often been called to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. Where would we be today without them?

All across LSA we will have picnics and cookouts and events to honor the fallen. We do that as citizens and because we care for so many widows and widowers whose spouses died in service to country. We will also use it as an opportunity to thank our staff, friends, and families who serve in the armed services today.

Please join me today in celebrating the heroes who died for us, those they left behind, and those who serve us today.

Thanks. And have a powerful Memeorial Day!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

ChaplainWeisner,Lenoir-Rhyne U to LutheranHomeHky: "God blesses me every day with opportunities to tell peo what a wonderful place this is."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just got copy of email from out of town friends of a LutheranHomeTrinityOaks resident. High praise for love, care, kindness! The LSA Way!
Dropped in at LutheranHomeWinstonSalem yesterday. Good to see old&new friends. And replacement building is under construction! It's time!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

MenInMission bkfst at SC Lutheran mtg. Inspired by keynote by Pastor Rick Carter. SCMIM very supportive of LFS/LSA.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Good day with SC Lutheran Synod Assembly for LFS/LSA. Good friends and supporters. Got to share our story at PM banquet.Highlighting LFS SC.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The latest edition of LSA Voices is in the mail. Here is he latest Goings On (picture above is Abundant Living Executive Director Barbara Garwood with Wilson Smith; other picture is Mrs. Cleo Miller and me):

The lines often get blurred in my professional and personal life, which is fine with me. Luther wrote about vocation and I am blessed that my vocation is directly related to the church. I lost two good friends in April who were related to both my work and personal life.

I wrote about Ms. Cleo (Cleo Miller) in a recent issue of LSA Voices. She died in April at the grand age of 96. I knew her all my life, and took baths in her kitchen sink when I was just 6 months old. One of the most attentive sons I've ever seen, her son Dent, asked me to say a few words at her funeral. I shared that when God woke up that morning he smelled fresh pound cake! I shared that comment because it said all that need be said about my friend Cleo. She is in heaven most assuredly and pound cake is a wonderful expression of her hospitality that included her always-positive outlook and great sense of humor. Ms. Cleo always had a pound cake in the house, and I ate more than my share! Everyone always felt welcome at Cleo's.

We can all learn from Ms. Cleo's example. When I wrote about her, I mentioned how many seniors are out there who can or could share their lives with us. I ended then and will ask again, "Who is your Cleo?" Go find your Cleo and you'll gain more than you can ever give.

We lost another friend in April, Wilson Smith. Many of you knew him as a co-founder of Food Lion. I first knew him 30 years ago as a greeter at St. John's Lutheran Church in Salisbury. He always welcomed me like we were best friends. Imagine my surprise when I found out who he was. Sitting at his funeral, I reflected on his life and his many connections to LSA. Now, the Lutheran Home at Trinity Oaks might have been built without his personal and financial support, but it would not be what it is today. It would be easy to argue that Trinity Oaks and Abundant Living Adult Day Services might not be here at all if were it not for Mr. Smith. His personal support, advice, service on the Board, and financial support were instrumental in having a full continuum of senior services in Rowan County. His vocation led him to serve LSA and many other important ministries and services.

Above all, Mr. Smith was a genuinely nice person. He served as an example of Christian love and stewardship for me and for many others until his death at the age of 93. Now I have two new questions, "Who is your Mr. Smith?" and "Can you be Mr. Smith to someone today?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Large contingent of LSA staff gathering in Rowan County right now to pray&support one of our own/and family. I add my prayers too.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Met 20 St.John's middle schoolers at LutheranHomeTrinityOaks.Learning the ministries of the church!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks front and center in Salisbury Post: residents and middle schoolers doing art project together.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pleasant visit with residents and staff at Lutheran Home Hickory this evening.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

LSAm update: excellent conference over. Already at airport this AM to get back home to NC!

Friday, May 6, 2011

We try to honor our nurses every day, but today it's official: National Nurses Day! Thanks for your ministry at LSA to the people we serve!
LSAm update: beautiful worship overlooking LakeMichigan last PM, now future trends and challenges.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Follow Kurt Senske facebook. Now he is speaking at LSAm on his book Live a Life of Significance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Listening to social media guru Allison Fine while posting this. Ironic?
LutheranServicesInAmerica/Milwaukee update: volunteerism,author Allison Fine,Just Culture, health care future... Seeing/making friends.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Airport again to Lutheran Services in America board mtg & annual mtg in Milwaukee: church connection, the future, challenges,good friends!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Out today & almost didn't make it: today is Priscilla Vint's 20th anniv at LutheranHomeAlbemarle.Congrats on your long service to LSA!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crescent View: reception, LSA presentation, dinner. Big fun with friends old and new.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Breakfast&lunch today at Trinity Oaks. Great food, great friends, even some work! Oh, the sacrifices!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

12 LutheranHomeTrinityOaks residents, plus friends and staff spent weekend at Kure Beach. Food,fishing, fun! Now that's nursing home life!

Friday, April 15, 2011

14 SC&NC LutheranHomes(over 100) at Wellspring overnighter.Theme-ItTakesAVillage.Creativity&passion is amazing,see!
14 SC&NC LutheranHomes(over 100) at Wellspring overnighter.Theme-ItTakesAVillage.Creativity&passion is amazing,see!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

On ground in Charlotte.oops, driving straight to Charleston for Wellspring program tomorrow. Long haul but worth it to be w change warriors
AbundantLivingAdultDayServices honored large number of volunteers today for Nat'l Volunteer Week. Volunteers make the difference!
With leadership ethicist Michael Gillette. Fascinating case studies and discussion about doing the right thing.Next is integrated technology
LeadingAge multi-facility leaders just spent hour with nationally known pollster Frank Luntz. Excellent and hilarious! Words matter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wow. Surprise speaker! Sean Donovan, Secretary of US Housing and Urban Development. Leader in sr. housing.
Now listening to Susan Scott author of Fierce Conversations. If nothing else, this is worth the trip! Google this word: mokita. :)
Tues. PM - joined a few NC colleagues visiting Sen.Burr's and Rep. Watt's health care staffers to advocate for our elders and sr. services.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Now at LeadingAge: US Dept.ofHealth&HumanServices Asst.Secretary Kathy Greenlee on advocacy and development of CLASS Act.
LeadingAge advocacy day: nat'l political pundit EleanorClift,new LeadingAge Advocacy VP, then to Capitol Hill to share stories&save Medicaid

Monday, April 11, 2011

Strategic planning session at LeadingAge.Is it wrong that I am excited by a discussion of pros/cons of variable vs. fixed rate financing?
LeadingAge opening session: Chair Win Marshall, author Richard Florida. New ways to live and work in aftermath of The Great Recession.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

5 AM to airport for LeadingAge mtg in DC. Futures conference.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wed./Thursday LSA/LFS senior leadership retreat. 19 leaders coming together to team build and plan the future. All are servant leaders!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good day in Hickory: both Lutheran Homes, PACE@Home, etc. Great ministry happening thanks to dedicated staff, great partners.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our Saviour Luth treated me like family. Then got same treatment at LutheranHomeAlbemarle. Good day!
6 AM-left for Our Saviour Lutheran, Southern Pines. Sharing the good news of LSA, and kicking off our KeepingThePromise campaign.

Friday, April 1, 2011

18 pros from across LSA here for electronic medical record update. These people leading us and on national cutting edge. Quality 1st!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My number finally came up. My name randomly drawn for LSA drug testing! We are all in this together. Another way we protect customers/LSA.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

On Sat. a volunteer group of LutheranHomeHickoryWest CNAs and physician provided a free clinic in Charlotte. Taking loving service beyond.
LutheranHomeWinston/Trinity Glen blessing of property.Big crowd of community supporters&staff,Mayor Joines,NC Rep. Womble,etc. Celebration!
Valuable and fun 2 days in JacksonvilleFL with BB&T. Now at airport on way back for blessing of property for new LutheranHomeWinstonSalem.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

LSA's Kesha,Mary&Kim wowwed VCPI leaders! LutheranHomeTrinityOaks' Bill,Sherrie,&team wowwed with hospitality and computer prowess!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LSA's Jill Nothstine is one of only about 10 in NC beign trained as a Just Culture trainer this week. Great for LSA! LSA leads!

Friday, March 18, 2011

LutheranHomeHickory letter from family: care, professional, organized,excel,comfort,Amber's leadership,family. LHH is John10:10 in action!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

letter from LutheranHomeHickoryWest family:staff love and compassion, kind and patient.Thanked staff for caring for hurting people. Mission!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just read 4 rehab case studies from LutheranHomeWinstonSalem. People coming in with major problems then lovingly rehabbed back home!Mission!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

AbundantLivingAdultDayServices featured in Blanche&JulianRobertsonFamilyFdn newsletter for Art for the Soul: creative expression by seniors!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dropped in on LutheranHomeAlbemarle: good to see good friends-residents and staff. Bldg looks great in and out! Ready for Spring.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Got to visit 3 LutheranFamilyServices group homes in Columbia,SC. Such loving service to children and great staff. God bless you all!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks helped surprise a resident with a Skype session with greatgrandson.Resident&family thrilled.That's customer service.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2-16, visited both Hickory Lutheran Homes. So many good things happening!, engaged residents/staff. Good to see old friends and new!

Monday, February 14, 2011

LSA & its IT partner conducted a disaster drill at LHHickory with its electronic medical records system. Staff did well. System worked well!

Friday, February 11, 2011

106 direct care staff from NC&SC Lutheran sr. communities in RockHill learning about person centered care.Learning!
106 direct care staff from NC&SC Lutheran sr. communities in RockHill learning about person centered care.Learning!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

At NC Lutheran Men in Mission banquet to St. Mark's Lutheran, Cherryville. Dedicated Christian men doing great work.
LutheranHomeHickory Saturday visit: good friends, happy place, looks great! Glad to see everyone.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Service Director Sherry Schepp,LutheranHomeHickory celebrates 20 yrs service today! Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

LutheranHomeTrinityOaks received letter from family thanking staff for wonderful care/attention to detail. LHTO staff shines!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just finished state health care assoc. meeting. LSA very active, engaged, and visible. Good info about state budget crisis, regulations, etc

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gov.MarkParkinson, new AmerHealthCareAssoc Prez dialoguing at NC Health Care board meeting: future,Medicare/Caid,health care reform.
RebeccaWaggoner preached YouthSunday at St.Johns from Micah6:8. Seek justice,love mercy,walk humbly with God. She&other youth-great job!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oops, it was LutheranHomeTrinityOaks that had Sam's Chair Wash. And boy did I hear about my mistake from a bunch of people?!

Friday, January 28, 2011

LutheranHomeHickoryWest sponsored Sam's Chair Wash: repair/wash chairs&have fun!Named for TrinityOaks' Sam Allen, founder of Sam's Car Wash!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Amber McIntosh celebrated her 10th anniversary as Administrator of LutheranHomeHickory.Reach out and congratulate.Only 6 admins in 50 yrs!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

AbundantLivingAdultDayServices hosted 41 3&4 yr olds today for MartinLutherKingJr program. They rocked!
In Houston on way home from LutheranServicesInAmerica CEO Academy: faith/work connection, leadership, peers. Good mtg!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm last to know: LutheranHomeHickoryWest had Santa mailbox for kids.Staff answered all letters.Rec'd letter of thanks from grateful family.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hope u had great Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as we remember/try to mirror one of America's greatest leaders.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Learning and Re-learning

A few years ago (who knows since time flies when you’re having fun), James Kouzes presented on his book, A Leader’s Legacy, at AAHSA. I was taken with the book. It opened my eyes to new ideas on leadership and confirmed some of my partially developed thinking. After AAHSA, we studied the book as the LSA leadership as part of our internal and personal education process. Today I am headed to a Lutheran Services in America conference where one of the sessions is on A Leader’s Legacy.

When I saw the topic and received another copy of the book, I was not particularly thrilled, since we have already plowed that ground. I brought my old copy of the book as I had already marked it up, circling and underlining my favorite parts. On the plane this morning, I started re-reviewing. The book has so many good points. It was a great refresher. It also reminded me of at least in part why we moved it some directions as an organization and why I moved it some directions. Por exampla: In the corner of one page talking about how we have to progress even when we are so comfortable with the old way, I had written Electronic Medical Records. Today, EMR is one of our most important and successful initiatives for the future. The book encourages a lifelong commitment to education. I just completed a Masters program. Hmmmm…..

Here is a laundry list of some of the concepts discussed in the book that at least influenced our/my behavior: servanthood, passion, education, feedback, collaboration, 100% responsibility, want to be liked, constructive insubordination, Crucial Confrontations, empowerment, honesty, followership, courage, trust, RPMs (Rosa Parks Moments), grace, ok to fail, baby steps in the right direction. This book is packed!

Now, I have heard the author, read the book with our team, and am heading out to hear it again. But now I’m looking forward to hearing the presenter’s view, and hearing the perspective of the 49 other CEOs attending this meeting have to share. To a good meeting…!
Just landed in Atlanta on way to LutheranServicesInAmerica CEO Academy: learning from sessions and peers.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

LutheranHomeHickoryWest received letter from family: Christian atmosphere, wonderful care, Chaplain's special comfort. LHHW serves again!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

LSA's JillNothstine&LatriceCarter spoke at national conference.Their evaluation score: 5.5 out of six! Near perfect. LSA is talent-blessed!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Beautiful snowy day & many can stay home. But all over LSA, staff is at work caring, serving, loving, and living. Neither rain nor snow...!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

@ Baltimore airport coming home from LutheranServicesInAmerica bd mtg. Great org doing great things.Today discussed future/opportunities.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Flying to Baltimore for LutheranServicesInAmerica board mtg.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thank you letter -LutheranHomeTrinityOaks family: food, accomodating family for holiday dinners, therapist, caring staff... LHTO shining!