Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day and the LSA Way!

Part of the LSA Way is remembering. Today is Memorial Day, the day the USA set aside to honor all members of our military forces who have died in service to our country. So today, we remember all of the men and women who have given their lives so we can enjoy the lives we live today. From the Revolution on, men and women have risen to the occasion and often been called to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. Where would we be today without them?

All across LSA we will have picnics and cookouts and events to honor the fallen. We do that as citizens and because we care for so many widows and widowers whose spouses died in service to country. We will also use it as an opportunity to thank our staff, friends, and families who serve in the armed services today.

Please join me today in celebrating the heroes who died for us, those they left behind, and those who serve us today.

Thanks. And have a powerful Memeorial Day!

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